Retro & Vintage in Buffalo NY
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Cats Like Us Insider: His Vintage Touch

Posted Meagan Kyla Hendrickson

photo: @slapback_nyc

A few months back Tony Medina (His Vintage Touch) had posted on social media the announcement that there would be only one East Coast stop on his tour. Within a whopping forty-eight hours, tickets for the class were all snatched up by the die hard stylists and fans, yet Lauren (Julie Ann's hairstylist) managed to snag (after having to click the “refresh button” three times) one of the four remaining tickets! Shortly after the tickets were sold out, Tony Medina jumped on the opportunity to teach a second class the night before as a test run. This class had also sold out and was a much different crowd. 

Lauren Ashley His Vintage Touch hair class NYC

So, a few weekend's ago Lauren Ashley traveled to New York City a.k.a the 'Big Apple', for a three hour Retro Hair styling class hosted by The Brooklyn Pinup School and Slapback and took us along for all the excitement!

His Vintage Touch Class NYC

He started off the class talking about how he likes his styles to be “period correct”. He looks at vintage pictures of movie stars to really be able to break down each look to use modern techniques to achieve the true hairstyles of the 1940s and 1950s. Using only three combs/brushes, Kenra products and bobby pins he was able to do these three looks. Each of the following looks were set with a curling iron and pin curl clips the same way prior to the class.

Poodle Hair His Vintage Touch hair class

The first up style he showed was in the infamous “Poodle”. He used the late, great Betty Grabel as inspiration, and showed that with rolling the sides in it gives it a more formal look than those with just slicked back sides.

The Doris Mayday His Vintage Touch class NYC

The second look was the most frequently seen online, he referred to as “The Doris Mayday”, but in actuality it is called “The Drop Crown”. This one is the most versatile and most commonly seen and replicated throughout the retro community.

The Page Boy His Vintage Touch class NYC

The final look taught by His Vintage Touch was a more Dramatic version of “the Page Boy”. Definitely the smoothest of all the look's and guaranteed (much like the other looks) to hold and last for a few days!

Lauren and Tony His Vintage Touch

After the class there was a meet and greet with snacks and an opportunity to chat and take pictures (if you could make your way though the crowd of perfectly groomed men and women). Everyone had joked that the gals either had to stock up on silk scarves and pillowcases or sleep sitting up so they wouldn't ruin their new “Do’s”. Since Lauren was the only out-of-towner, she had to boogie back to the City (Slapback is located in Brooklyn, NY) to catch her flight back to Buffalo. She didn't leave without a hug and smooch goodbye from Tony himself making for the perfect end to a fabulous Day!

Thank you to Lauren for taking us along, it looks like it was a lot of fun and very informational! 

Check out:

Lauren-Ashley instagram

His Vintage Touch instagram

Slapback instagram


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