Retro & Vintage in Buffalo NY
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Catching Up With Miss Barbie K

Posted Meagan Kyla Hendrickson Lifestyle

You might know her as Barbie K, the lady behind the beautiful mermaids that we sell at Cats Like Us, she recently had her annual in-store event and I decided to pick her brain about her interest in vintage collectibles. Chatting with Miss Barbie K is always a pleasure and she always makes me laugh with her quick wit and great sense of humor.

Barbie K


Hi Miss Barbie K! What have you been up too lately?

I'm doing this great show at Cats Like Us where I debuted my new chalkware line and some new ceramic pieces. The pin up girls are hot!

Barbie K mermaids retro chalkware


I know you're a vintage collectibles sorta gal, what do you like to collect other than vintage chalkware?

I love to collect Franciscan starburst dishes and Mirro Medallion atomic serveware, Polynesian kitsch and vintage clothing.

Mirro Medallion serveware

Mirro Medallion serveware. Image source : Pinterest


How did you start getting interested in vintage?

When I was 15, I went to a Goodwill and fell in love with a vintage dress and old dollie. At the time, vintage wasn't cool to wear or collect, so Amvets and thrift shops were the only place I could shop to appease my vintage clothing/collectible obsession. Through the years I would go through phases of wearing vintage and not wearing vintage, but I always felt most comfortable in my vintage stylings.


What tips, tricks or advice can you give the novice vintage shopper?

If you're looking for an investment piece, hold out. You may spend your money on inferior pieces and then a better one may come along, so trust your gut instinct when buying. When you come across something that is rare and you know you will possibly never find another, it's wise to buy or you may regret it. Vintage shopping is a lot of luck when on the hunt!


What was your best vintage find?

A dress that I found on eBay about 15 years ago. It's Hilo Hattie dress that has a geometric print with a cowboy tie and an amazing full skirt. I love anything atomic! Julie Ann and Barbie K

Barbie K wearing her favorite dress!


Do you read any blogs or magazines about vintage or vintage collectibles?

Retro Renovation, Hell Cat Vintage, Cats Like Us blog and Coffin Kitsch (hey, that's my blog! Hehe!)


Thank you Barbie K for chatting with me! 


If you want to know more about her vintage chalkware, please check out the link to the awesome blog written by Julie Ann. You can shop for Barbie K mermaids on the Cats Like Us website and don't forget to visit Barbie's Little Shop for Hoarders etsy shop!


XOXO-Meagan Kyla

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