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Preview : Gothabilly Style with Kreepsville 666

Posted Meagan Kyla Hendrickson Fashion Style

Kreepsville 666 clutch

At Cats Like Us we love all aspects of retro and we like to show our darker side every once in a while. Kreepsville 666 is just the brand to help us bring out our inner (or outer!) goth and infuse it with some retro stylings, aka gothabilly! 

Here is a sneak peak of a few items that will be available online next week Thursday!

Kreepsville clutch purse

Isn't this clutch so 'cleaver'...ahem, I mean clever?

Kreepsville 666 clutch purse gothabilly

The cleaver bag can be a used for your makeup or with it's detachable wristlet can be used as a little clutch purse. It's the perfect accessory to a murderously gorgeous ensemble. (Yes, bad puns galore! Muahahaha!) 

Someone's got "kattitude"! Well, at least that's what the back of the bag says. 

This pint size Halloween cat clutch make-up bag is paired with Loren Dress, White Skull bracelet and Black 50s Scarf. I'm also wearing the soon-to-be-available Crossbone Hair Clips, clipped to the dress as an alternate way of wearing the clips!

Shop Kreepsville 666 products until your black little heart is content and don't forget to check back for the Cleaver Make Up Clutch Purse, Kattitude Make Up Cluth Purse and the Crossbone Hair Clips to be available online next week Thursday!

Stay spooky my fiends!

-Meagan Kyla

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