We were featured in the Vintage Fashion Guild's newsletter! Big thanks for this honor and nice feature! More about the VFG here.

Here is the article:
There she was in a social media post, VFG member JULIE ANN DAVIS (CatsLikeUs) receiving a donation check from the head of the local (Tonawanda, NY) VFW Post. He said “In appreciation for all Cats Like Us does to support the community and our post—we’re happy to support causes that are important to them, and now the SPCA Serving Erie County will be able to take care of a few more animals.”
Julie Ann explained: “Cats Like Us has in-store events once a month. Every year in March (spring is kitten season) we collect items from our local SPCA Wish List and give the people donating a discount in our shop. We’ve been doing it for 12 years! (See “Cats Like Treats”.) The SPCA is where we adopted our cats from too. The nearby VFW knows it’s a cause that’s close to us, and they donated money to the SPCA on our behalf. It was quite a surprise and very unexpected! (See “Unexpected Donation”.) We attend the monthly breakfasts at the VFW because it’s inexpensive and on the way to work, and we sponsor a car show they do, but we never expected to get anything back for supporting them in our little way.”
She went on, “We also have a June event for the Pet Emergency Fund (PEF). It’s an organization that was started in Western New York by a friend of ours. We pick a day and donate 15% of our sales that day to the PEF. That gives our online shoppers an opportunity to help out. (See “Pet Emergency Fundraiser”.)
“We love all animals, and we still get phone calls asking if we ‘board cats’, ‘sell cats’, and even ‘sell clothing for cats’, so it just makes sense that we have cat events at our shop. lol.”