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Cats Like Mentioned in an Article About Millennials, and Their Money

Posted Meagan Kyla Hendrickson

Buffalo News Article about Millennials and their money

Cats Like Us was mentioned in an interesting article in the Buffalo News entitled, "Millennials, and their money, are now driving major retail sales" The article talks about how Millennials are serious consumers and care about companies ethics and social practices. The article also how social media and shopping are inseperable, "Say you’re surfing Facebook and see a post from Cats Like Us, a clothing store in the City of Tonawanda. Click it, and you’ll see a “Shop Now” button that will take you directly to the store’s website."

Buffalo News article about Millenials, and their money


It's a great article, give it a read. We're also pretty stocked to have our website represented in the main photo. Thank you Buffalo News!


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